Focus Banish Phosphate Remover

Focus Banish Phosphate Remover

  • $69.00
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Removing algae from your pool can be frustrating, and sometimes you need a different approach. Focus Banish Phosphate removes algae’s food source from your pool, starving it of nutrients. Stop your pool from flowering by dramatically reducing your water phosphate levels.

Effectively Remove Algae 

Algae needs food to survive, and what’s their main source of energy? Phosphate!

By reducing phosphate levels in your pool water, you cut off the main food source for algae blooms. 

No phosphate means no algae and a clearer, safer pool for your swimmers!

Use Focus Banish Phosphate to effectively rid your pool of algae and prevent those little microbes from multiplying.


Keep Your Pool Safe

When algae is left to feed and multiply, it can lead to dangerous water conditions that could make you sick.

High levels of blue-green algae toxins can cause diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Algal toxins can also lead to skin, eye or throat irritation. 

If an allergic reaction occurs, breathing difficulties and even life threatening complications could result.

Additionally, when phosphate levels rise they soak up chlorine, ruining the sanitation of your water. 

Low chlorine levels mean more bad bacteria floating around in your pool, potentially leading to viruses and infections.

Not to mention chlorine works to kill algae microbes, so less chlorine also means faster algae growth!

As a pool owner, the last thing you want is for your swimmers to get sick from unsanitary water. Focus Banish Phosphate restricts algae growth by eliminating its food source. 

Successfully rid your pool from algae blooms so you can keep your water and it’s paddlers safe.


Stop Your Pool From Flowering

Completely clearing your pool from algae becomes much easier when phosphate levels are controlled.

Use Focus Banish Phosphate and be proactive with your algae control. Keep those flowers in the garden and out of your pool! 

  • Eliminates algae food source.
  • Simple to use and fast acting.
  • Short wait time for swimming.

High phosphate levels feed algae and promote algae growth, which in turn makes it more difficult and expensive to kill the algae and keep your pool chemistry balanced. These high phosphate levels also result in the chlorine being used quickly, making it even more difficult to kill the algae and keep your pool clean.